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Successful Case Studies

Patient R.H., born 21st October 1960, Diagnosis: chronic borreliosis, cellular immune deficiency

Case Information:
July 2006 tick bite left thigh, complaints similar to flu, erythema migrans, after 2 weeks increased lab values for borreliosis titre, 4 week antibiotics (little improvement, increasing joint pain, tiredness, digestive problems)

First visit to hospital on 8th December 2006:
holistic anamnesis and homeopathic analysis, BioCheck

Result summary BioCheck from January 2007:

  • Live blood analysis under dark field microscope: extensive inflexibility of leukocytes, lack of vitality, indication for acid and oxidative stress;
  • Bio Electronics according to Vicent (BEV): Confirmation oxidative stress and kidney excretion malfunction;
  • Computer Regulation Thermography: chronic maxillary sinusitis, distinctive lack of intestine function, suspicion of dental issues (14);
  • Electro Acupuncture according to Voll (EAV) test result:
    • Toxic pollution: cadmium, copper, silver amalgam;
    • Focus of disease: chronic tonsillitis;
    • Dysbiosis (intestine flora issues): candida, aspergillus, salmonella paratyphi;
    • Vital Substances: Vitamin ester C 1000, GSH 500 mg, alpha Lipoic acid;
    • Detoxification: Capillarex, Para Rhizol gamma;
    • Organo peptides: THX (Thymus whole extract);
    • Essential amino acids: L Tryptophan 500;
    • Food intolerances: chicken, cow milk, wheat flour, wine, sugar, onion;
  • lymphocytes typing: shows significant cellular immune insufficiency
  • LTT and modulator test: index of immunological function 10.4 (average immune deficiency), Thymus fresh cell extract tested as best immune stimulant

Holistic therapy 2007:

  • Taking tested vital and excretion substances
  • Strict attention to food maths
  • Immune therapy with 10x thymus cell extract (THX), 2x whole body hyperthermia, 2x active fever therapy (in 4-week intervals), accompanying infusions and excretion treatments

Progess until now:

  • Fast reduction of discomfort (feeling of inflammation, abdomen and joint pain, significantly improved digestion)
  • Laboratory: 5th January 2008:
    • LTT: average function index 24.1 (normal > 15)
    • Lymphocyte typing (lymphocyte 1341, T-cells 1127, CD4 and CD8 as well as cytotoxic T-cells normalised)
    • Borrelia AK in ELISA: 4.3 (slightly positive), im T-cell plot: < 1 (negative)
  • Able to work again with no problems, can feel the usual life energy
  • Since then regular BioCheck tests, patient very satisfied (last consultation on 23rd April 2012)


Patient. Ch.K., born 17th April 1944, Diagnosis: Pancreas carcinoma, liver metastases

Case Information:
First diagnosis February 2008, notable stomach pain and digestion problems, surgical diagnostics, CT and sonography, cancer diagnosis top of the pancreas, declined surgery and chemotherapy, immediate orientation to biological treatment.

First visit to hospital on 22nd February 2008:
holistic anamnesis and homeopathic analysis, BioCheck

Result summary BioCheck from February 2008:

  • Live blood analysis under dark field microscope: extensive inflexibility of leukocytes, lack of vitality, indication for liver and spleen weakness
  • BEV: Confirmation lack of minerals and kidney excretion problems
  • Computer Regulation Thermography: chronic maxillary sinusitis, distinctive lack of intestine function, suspicion of food intolerance, suspicion of dental issues;
  • EAV Test result:
    • Toxic heavy metal poisoning: copper, amalgam;
    • Pancreas and liver weakness;
    • Testing of biological excretion stimulation substances and amino acids

Holistic Therapy since 2008:

  • Taking tested vital and excretion substances, control test every six months
  • Strict attention to an easily digestible and hypoallergenic diet
  • Regular complex immune therapy (initially over the period of 3 weeks, then every 3-4 months, and for the duration of 2 years every 3-4 months for 1 week in hospital with:
    • Fresh cell extract (in particular thymus, spleen, pancreas, liver)
    • Moderate whole body hyperthermia
    • Active fever therapy
    • Accompanying infusions and excretion treatments
  • Homeopathic and deep psychological treatments

Progress until now:

  • First CT control after 3 months shows stable tumour results, no progression, no metastases
  • After 6 months, cystic transformation of the pancreas tumour, reduction, stable for 2 years
  • 2011 occurrance of an isolated liver rmetastasis
  • Last MRT in January 2013 shows full remission of the liver results, pancreas with scarred remains

No conventional tumour therapy was necessary during the whole treatment time


Patient R.K., born 10th January 1951, 5-04 ED Mamma CA re., OP, Chemoth. (CMF) and 28 radio therapy session, June 2009 several bone metastases

Case Information:
bandronate infusions for 5 months due to bone pain and metastasis, treatment stopped due to strong side effects (liver disease, increasing bone pain and significant tooth loosening with periodontitis).


  • Feb 2010: 2-weeks stay in hospital Klinik im Leben, BioCheck, 3 times moderate whole body hyperthermia, 6 times Procain and antioxidant infusions, additional ProcCluster
  • Mar 2010: Extraction of loose teeth and those with root infection (outpatient)
  • Since Mar 2010 outpatient, initially twice per week, then weekly infusions, continuation taking ProcCluster® 60 tables on days without infusions
  • Apr 2010: mild cleansing / excretion diet according to Mayr and 6 times Colon hydrotherapy (10 days in hospital)
  • Oct 2010: PET-CT shows complete remission, no indication on local recidiva or metastasis areas detectable
  • Mar 2011: Control BioCheck: patient is happy, no bone pain, significantly increased vitality
  • Nov 2012: last visit for control BioCheck, continuing high life quality, no signs of cancer any more


Patient. H.L., born 24th July 1968, primary chronic polyarthritis

Case Information:
for 12 years confirmed rheumatoid arthritis, for months chronic wrist pain, knuckle pain, pain in the left ankle joint, chronic stomach and bowel inflammation due to rheumatoid medications (NSAR), cortisone and MTX treatment stopped after 5 years due to side effects, for 2 years incapable of working

Progress of our treatment:

  • Aug 2008, CRP = 54.4 (N<10), VAS 6-7, BioCheck shows significant acid pollution and lack of important antioxidants and micro nutrients,
  • Sep 2008: 3 weeks stay in hospital Klinik im LEBEN: diet change, antioxidants and detox infusions, intestinal cleansing, short hyperthermia treatments, thymus and mesenchymal fresh cell extracts, generally good infusion tolerance with procain base (200mg/80 ml Nabi) for pain and inflammation improvement, oral taking of 1×1 capsules ProcCluster® 60 1×1 on days without infusions
  • Nov 2008, Control CRP = 34.4, pain and inflammation activity decreasing, less morning stiffness, significantly improved psychological state
  • Feb 2009, CRP = 17.7, more improvement, less sensitive to weather, same medication
  • Jun 2009, CRP = 8.7, patient very satisfied, same medication, capable of working for a few hours
  • Nov 2009, CRP = 5.7, patient resilient in daily life, only weather-dependent morning stiffness, Rheumatology specialist very surprised. Progress until now stable, only twice within 3 years was it necessary to provide cortisone, able to work fully.




Patient. G.G., born 26th May 1948, prostate carcinoma in chronic prostatitis

Case Information:
March 2012, Prostate issues diagnosed via sonography and biopsy, has been having burning and stretching pain in inguinal region for 3 years (chronic prostatitis), also urination problems, PSA on 23rd May 2012 was 25.4 (normal < 3.5 mmol/l), wants neither removal of prostate (surgery) nor hormone injections or radiation therapy, wants to maintain his manhood, fear for incontinence.


  • Jul 2012: holistic diagnostics, start of excretion treatment, change of diet, homeopathic therapy
  • Aug 2010/2012: 3 times transurethral hyperthermia (achieved temperature up to 46°C), 12 times deep local hyperthermia, accompanying infusions and fresh cell extracts (thymus, spleen, kidney)
  • 19 Nov 2012: urological control examination, tumour no longer detectable, PSA: 3.12 (!) mmol/l, no indication for inflammation, normal urination
  • Since Dec 2012 until now: every 4 weeks mixed injections near the prostate (according to Dr. Rau), fresh cell extract, antioxidants and procain infusions as well as deep hyperthermia for maintaining treatment success


Liane Li., 54 yrs, f.

  • Diagnosis: 2002 Larynx CA, 2008 Lung metastases
  • Hyperthermia treatment: twice moderate whole body hyperthermia with oxygen inhalation, 11 times local hyperthermia lung
  • Infusion treatments:
    • 6 times Procain Base Infusions with 200 mg Procain
    • 6 times special infusions according to Riedelsheimer & Kremer (600 mg Glutathione (2x TAD 300), 1 Amp. Cysteine Heel, 1 ampoule Zentramin in 500 ml electrolyte solution)
  • Excretion Treatment: 4 times medical intestine cleansing (CHT – Colon Hydro Therapy)
  • Targeted diet: mild cleansing / excretion diet, regeneration food, protein drink
  • Homeopathic cancer treatment
  • Psycho energetic Therapy 5 times, Shamanic treatment twice, Time line according to Hackl once, psycho social conversations about healing, life, health
  • Progress, treatment every 4 weeks, 12 weeks, 6 months until Nov 2010
  • Hyperthermia treatment: moderate whole body hyperthermia oxygen inhalation, local hyperthermia – lung
  • Infusion treatments: Procain Base Infusions with 200 mg Procain
  • Excretion treatment: medical intestinal cleansing (CHT)
  • Psycho energetic therapy
  • Homeopathic Cancer treatment

Since then all control examinations show decreasing signs, steady state.


Patient W.M., 57 years old, relapse melanoma left armpit, T3 N1 Mx

  • First illness in Jul 1998, after surgery and interferon therapy relapse in left armpit Apr 2004, objection to surgery
  • First fever therapy in May 2004; decrease of tumour size after 3 active fever treatments and intensive biological treatment.
  • After 8 more fever treatments, the tumour has decreased to only a very small size, for now no more metastases
  • Last fever therapy in Nov 2007,
  • Side effect: long lasting Mb Bechterew pain almost completely gone



Patient G.N. 63 years old, Prostate Carcinoma, early stage, T1 Nx Mx

  • Since Aug 2004 slow PSA increase, 17 Nov 2004: PSA 34,4, PET-CT shows central prostate CA, Patient desires biological treatment
  • First fever therapy in January 2005, additionally targeted vital substance supplementation, psycho and family therapy, homeopathy
  • After two more fever treatments PSA control on 13 May 2005: 12.3 (normal < 10)
  • 6 more fever therapy sessions, last one in Dec 2005, very good results
  • PSA on 17 Nov 2005 normalised on 4.3, remained the same during subsequent controls
  • Side effect: healing of a chronic sinusitis inflammation